3:30pm at St. John’s Confessional.
6:30pm (at the end of 6pm mass) No confession on Wednesday, March 12th
Your financial support is needed now more than ever.
Please consider making a recurring donation.
Tax statements are available to view. For information on how to view it, click here.
mass schedule
Monday: 7:30am
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 7:30am, Wednesday 8:30am
Tuesday & Thursday : 6:00pm (English) NO EVENING MASS ON MONDAY & FRIDAY
Wednesday: 6:00pm (Spanish)
Saturday Vigil: 5pm (English) 7pm (Spanish)
Sunday 8am, 10am (English) 12noon (Spanish) 5pm (English)
8:30am Every Sunday.
Our Programs
We believe that the Christian life asks us to grow always. We invite you to see our programs and find what is right for you and your family.
order of Christian initiation for adults
Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Are you interested in learning more about the traditions and teachings of the Church? Have you considered becoming Catholic? If so, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) may be the place for you!
Youth Ministry
We offer programs for students in junior high and high school to connect in friendship and faith. These opportunities range from weekly youth group, to volunteer service, to weekend retreats. All students in 7th - 12th grades are welcome to join us for activities!
Nuestras clases de formación en la fe se han desarrollado para que los niños de 1º a 6º grado crezcan en el conocimiento y el amor de Dios. Las clases son divertidas y educativas. Buscamos formar niños en la fe, prepararlos para los sacramentos y equipar a las familias para que sean discípulos del Señor de por vida.
Faith Formation
Our Faith Formation classes have been developed for 1st - 6th grades children to grow in knowledge and love of the Lord. The classes are engaging and educational. We seek to form children in the faith, prepare them for Sacraments, and equip families to be lifelong disciples of the Lord. We offer a special program called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children 0-5 years old, where children learn about God’s love for them through the facets of our faith.
The source of strength for our faith, the Sacraments allow us to receive God’s grace and live a life of holiness. If you are looking to receive a Sacrament or see more information, check out our Sacraments page.
Click here for more information on how to sign up. For more information on videos to watch, click here!
Adoration Holy HouR
Join us every First Friday of the month to Adore Jesus in the blessed Sacrament, we meet at 6pm in the Church. (There will be no adoration on the month of November due to Solemnity of All Saints.
Hora santa de adoracion
Acompañenos todos los viernes primeros del mes a Adorar a Jesus en el Santisimo Sacramento, nos reunimos a las 6pm en la iglesia. En el mes de noviembre no habra hora Santa ya que el 1 de noviembre es la solemnidad de todos los Santos.
Flocknote Signup
We are excited to be using Flocknote, a service for parishes to communicate with their parishioners and ministries. Be sure to sign up and stay tuned for important updates about the parish! You can sign up here.